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The SongKeeper School: Mount Shasta

Do you feel called to Sing?

Do you feel called to connect more deeply with Mother Earth?

Do you know that your voice can make a difference in this world?

Join us for 5 days and 4 nights in -person in Mount Shasta, CA - the Root Chakra of the planet and learn the ways of the SongKeeper. Be immersed in nature.

Empower your voice/ Empower your Life.

Sing to these sacred lands. Sing to the Mountain. Sing to the Headwaters of the Sacramento River. Swim in the sacred mountain lake. Commune with the ancestors in Panther Meadow. Walk the Mountain where the ancient and future ones tread. Hold ceremony for the empowerment of our Mother Earth. Build relationship with this sacred spirit of place.


In lore, they go by many names, the Songkeepers, Song Catchers, Songline carriers - they were considered the Memory Keepers of the Earth. They knew how to find sacred places, make it rain, bring a good crop, restore someone to health - all through the POWER OF SONG. They are song ceremonialists. Holding sacred space & facilitating transformation through song.

At this time in human history, it is imperative that we remember the songs of the earth, of the waters, of the forests, of the mountains and of our own hearts - so that we can sing life back into the landscape and help humanity find its right direction.

The voice is the reflection of the Soul. Our voice is also a reflection of the Soul of this world. When our VOICE & our LIFE are attuned with Creation, we have the capacity to create through the power of the Word. Then our words, like sweet rain, have the capacity to water the parched landscape.

THE SONGKEEPER SCHOOL is a program of vocal attunement, alignment and connection; utilizing the power of song to give us direction, medicine and meaning in the current age. You will learn how to come into balance with the earth, connect with the spirits of the land, the elements, the angels, your guides and ancestors and sing their songs. Create powerful ceremony & Ritual for the Healing of our Earth & the answering of Prayers. You will find your own songs - hear through new ears, see through new eyes. You will learn how to connect with the spirit of things.

TRADITIONS: Kabbalah, Q’ero, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Hawaiian, Native American


Increase vocal skill & confidence. Songwriting training. Knowledge of how to work with the elements, the cosmos and Creator for health, greater meaning and increased prosperity. This work will bless your family and your life - heal your ancestors and further activate you in your life purpose. Restore your inner nourishment. Access the wellspring of your Creativity. Love more deeply. Join together with others to create change you can’t effect alone!


- Daily Excursions in Nature at Sacred Sites in Mount Shasta

- Daily Singing Ceremonies for our Mother Earth

- Daily Breathwork and Chanting Practice

- Welcome & Earth Alignment ceremony - Building Relationships with unseen world

- Ancestral Healing Despacho Ceremony

- Fire Ceremony

- Working with the Mountains

- Water

- Sun Activation

- Full Moon Ritual

- Utilizing song to connect with the Spirit World

- Songwriting

WHEN: August 18-22 2024

WHERE: Live, in-person, in Mount Shasta, CA

PRICING: Early bird registration: $1515 shared occupancy/ $1919 single occupancy- includes 5 day / 4 night SongKeeper School immersion. lodging & meals. Does not include transportation, May 15- July 31: $1818.shared occupancy/$2222 single occupancy. PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE

To register: email or text 646-801-0654