This melody came to me while singing to the Atlantic Ocean at dawn. A week later, I went to the Chiricahua Mountains in Eastern Arizona during monsoon season. One day, the sky got so thick with clouds threatening to rain, but wouldn't. I stood outside singing to the darkened sky, inviting the rains to come and quench this parched land. As I was inviting the rains, I realized that the sky "not" raining was a reflection of my own internal landscape of so much unprocessed and unreleased grief and sadness. At that point, I asked the sky to help me cry all my uncried tears. I began to sing...
As tears poured from my eyes, the rains began to fall around me - the thunder and lightning struck - and I felt that God is the All That Is - every moment, every breath, every situation, every person, every rock and tree and creature. And that to truly love God - we had to love all of it - accept all of it - love ourselves, love myself. And this whole life experience is orchestrated for us to know Love.