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"Great Spirit" was born out of the Love of Creator and of the Earth. It pays homage to our inseparable bond. It invokes our allies in the unseen, offers blessings, and sets sacred space for the ceremony of Life.

We are being called back to our hearts, to our connection to Source, to the Earth, and to one another as the remedy for what ails us. It is said that when we sing together with One Heart, we are heard by the Great Mother of the Universe. May this song serve as an anthem of unity - and may it remind us who we are.

This melody came to me while singing to the Atlantic Ocean at dawn. A week later, I went to the Chiricahua Mountains in Eastern Arizona during monsoon season. One day, the sky got so thick with clouds threatening to rain, but wouldn't. I stood outside singing to the darkened sky, inviting the rains to come and quench this parched land. As I was inviting the rains, I realized that the sky "not" raining was a reflection of my own internal landscape of so much unprocessed and unreleased grief and sadness. At that point, I asked the sky to help me cry all my uncried tears. I began to sing...

As tears poured from my eyes, the rains began to fall around me - the thunder and lightning struck - and I felt that God is the All That Is - every moment, every breath, every situation, every person, every rock and tree and creature. And that to truly love God - we had to love all of it - accept all of it - love ourselves, love myself. And this whole life experience is orchestrated for us to know Love.

I was first introduced to this Hebrew mantra and told that it contained such a high vibration that negativity couldn't stand in the presence of it. As I began working with it, I could feel as though legions of angels were swirling above me; holding me in the presence of the Divine - and holding at bay all negativity.

Years later, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry shared this mantra combine with Psalm 51. He spoke about this being the mantra that the angels sing unceasingly at the foot of the Most High. This is to bring great blessings.

We are all One with the Most High. We are drops of the sea of Divinity, here to express uniqueness in form. We come from that which is Holy - We are ALL HOLY. May we commune with the beauty and perfection of all Life - and cry out in praise to Creator to return us all to the Source knowing of our Oneness and our Eternality.


One day in July, I was in meditation and suddenly felt moved to tears. I wondered what had happened. It felt like I was being blessed, but I couldn't put my finger on it. After my meditation, I went for a walk and heard a melody being sung to me, evoking this same sense of so much love. I later realized that this was the anniversary of my grandmother’s passing. I felt like she was singing to me and reminding me of her love for me; and hence, this song was born.

This song speaks to the perfection of Creation. We have it written in our bones. We are created in the image of the Divine - Perfect in every way. We come from the stars. We are divinity incarnate. Perfection and divinity is the nature of each and every living being. At ONE with this perfection, we direct our thoughts, words, feelings, actions and attitudes into kindness, compassion and the benefit of all living beings, as a harmonious whole. Awake to our interconnectedness with all life, Awake to the Love of the Universe and to the Love of each other - WE SING...

The melody for the song “Divine Love” was sung to me in a dream. I woke up from that dream feeling such a sense of peace & as though I had just been in the arms of my most beloved.

The English words of the song bring us on a journey of surrender into the inner sanctum of our hearts; where all our longings are satisfied as we touch the heart of creation - & we feel how truly loved we are.






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